Thursday, May 20, 2010

A Change Is As Good As A Holiday

At swoon we have been looking inward.
Taking stock and reminding ourselves what we do and why we do it.

This soul searching has led to much discussion, debate and red wine.

The outcome?
We feel that we need a new start, a re-invention.
A new chapter.

Over the next few weeks we will be unveiling the new us.
A new look with a revitalised message.

Monday, May 17, 2010

A Unified Front - Part 1.

I recently spoke to a new client who was unhappy with his current business card.

The card itself was solid.
Nothing fancy, it wasn't going to win any design awards but it was simple and well laid out.
It had all the correct information but it was missing something in his opinion.

After a quick 5 minute conversation we came around to the realisation that it was the logo that he was unsure of.

What made it worse is that he had some local newspaper advertising done and mentioned his uncertainty to the art department.
They had tried to help him out, made some changes and updated it.

Now he has 2 logos...
Similar, but with very different looks and certainly different personas.

He then proceeded to ask me to make a few changes, "nothing major" just a colour and maybe "get rid of that bit" and "keep that bit if you like".

I had to ask why he wanted 3 logos?

"i don't, I just want to get it right" and then added "as cheaply as possible".

I politely explained to him that he really needed to look at his overall brand.
From where I sat I could see the business cards of 5 staff members, building signage, a company vehicle, uniforms etc etc.

Why would you want them to be all different?

Now the term brand is being thrown around at the moment like it is a guarantee for the success and longevity of any business.
However it will do nothing for you if you don't understand why you have one.
Or more importantly why you should protect it.

I have heard many descriptions of what a brand is however I think Jeffrey P. Bezos (Chief Executive of sums it up simply and effectively.

“A brand for a company is like a reputation for a person.”

So how does that matter?

Well, I believe consistency is key.

Introducing Carly Tonna

swoon design is pleased to announce our recent employment of Carly Tonna to the position of graphic designer.
Carly comes to us from NSW where she studied graphic design, multimedia and advertising before relocating to Western Australia.
Originally starting with us in a ‘work experience’ position to gain further understanding of the graphic design industry, we have watched Carly become a very bright and capable young designer with a fantastic work ethic.
We are thrilled to have Carly as part of out team and are looking forward to continuing her training and seeing her full design potential in the future.